
NIHR’s Committee on Public Rights and Freedoms Convenes its 4th Meeting Virtually

09 Sep 2021

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR)’s Committee on Public Rights and Freedoms has convened its 4th meeting virtually under the chairpersonship of Dr. Fawzeya Al-Saleh and membership of Dr. Bader Mohamed Adel and Mr. Ahmed Al-Saloom,

The Committee opened its meeting by ascertaining the quorum and ratifying the minutes of the previous meeting.  Then, it followed up on its previous resolutions and recommendations and the actions taken thereupon.  

The Committee discussed the events and activities that will be included in the NIHR Strategy and Action Plan for the years 2022-2025, proposing a number of educational lectures for law enforcement security men at the correction, rehabilitation and detention centres, to introduce the Law on Correction and Rehabilitation Institutions and its Executive Regulation, and information on how to deal with inmates, how to abide by precautionary measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and their rights and duties.

Other lectures were also proposed during the meeting, to educate inmates about their rights, especially financial ones such as inheritance, social security, housing, cost of living allowance and other financial rights for male and female inmates whose rights have been affected due to sentencing the head of the family, influencing greatly the family’s livelihood, due to the absence of a breadwinner.  A workshop was also proposed on the impact of human rights and entrepreneurship.