
NIHR Holds Consultative Meetings with a number of Representatives of Civil Society Institutions

24 Dec 2023

Within the context of expanding the horizons of joint-cooperation with civil society institutions, Eng. Ali Ahmed Al-Dirazi, Chairman of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), held consultative meetings with a number of representatives of civil society institutions, in the presence of a number of members of the NIHR Council of Commissioners and the NIHR Secretary-General, at the NIHR headquarters in Seef district.

During the meeting, views were generally discussed on issues related to human rights, and ways to enhance cooperation by holding joint technical programmes aimed at spreading a culture of human rights and consolidating its respect in society, in addition to capacity-building programmes by holding joint activities and discussion episodes.

Meetings were attended, separately, by Mr. Salah Mansour, Chairman of the Bahrain Transparency Society, Ms. Igens Pink, represented by the Expatriate Workers Society, Dr. Amer Al-Dirazi, Chairman of the Bahrain Medical Society, and Dr. Hussein Bedewi, Chairman of the Bahraini Bar Society, as well as a number of members of the associations boards of directors.