
NIHR Conducts a visit to the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre in Jaw Region

03 Jan 2023

In line with its supervisory and legal role of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) to ensure that all inmates of the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre obtain their rights guaranteed by the laws and regulations in-force in the correction and rehabilitation centres, and the relevant international human rights standards, and based on its broad powers in accordance with its Establishment Law, a number of members of the NIHR Council of Commissioners conducted an inspection visit to the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre located in Jaw region, where they examined their living conditions and the extent to which they enjoy the right to receive treatment and healthcare.  They also examined the quality and adequacy of the food provided to the inmates.

During the visit, the NIHRs delegation met with a number of prisoners, listened to their requests, wrote down their observations and prepared the appropriate recommendations to be submitted to the competent authorities.

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