
NIHR Continues to Attend Retrial Hearings

04 Nov 2019

Within the framework of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR)’s keenness to conduct announced and unannounced field visits in order to monitor the human rights situation in any place suspected to be a site of human rights violation, and pursuant to its terms of reference stipulated in its Incorporation Law, the NIHR has attended twenty trial hearings of the case after the appeal submitted to the Court of Cassation on the murder of a policeman and the attempted murder of other police officers in Al-Dair village, as a result of the appearance of new evidence and documents that have been unknown to the court while examining the case.

In this context, the NIHR emphasizes the continuation of its mission and role in tracking various human rights situations and ensuring the fairness of legal proceedings and the availability of various guarantees for the defendants at different case stages.  In application thereof, the NIHR will attend the verdict hearing in the aforesaid case on November 27, 2019 emphasizing and praising at the same time the efforts of all judicial authorities in providing all guarantees of fair trial for the defendants in the hearings attended by it, in which it has not monitored any violation of any of the rights of the defendants.