National Institute for Human Rights


NIHR Council of Commissioners convenes its 14th Regular Meeting

10 Sep 2024

The Council of Commissioners of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) convened for its fourteenth regular meeting under the chairmanship of Eng. Ali Ahmed Alderazi, with participation from the members and the Secretary-General.

The heads of the standing committees summarized their activities over the past months. Ms. Rawda Al Aradi, Head of the Complaints, Monitoring, and Follow-Up Committee, detailed the institution’s handling of 208 instances, comprising 60 complaints, 136 legal assists, and 12 monitoring cases. She noted that 37 complaints were submitted in person, three via the hotline, and 13 through email and the NIHR Bahrain mobile app. The institution engaged with relevant authorities to address all received cases and develop optimal solutions.

Dr. Malallah Al-Hammadi, Head of the Detention and Facilities Visitation Committee, discussed the committee's visits to various correctional and rehabilitation centers, including inspections during the last Ashura season, to ensure that inmates could freely practice their religious rites. The visits also assessed the quality of services provided, including healthcare and nutrition, and checked the living conditions against international standards for inmate and detainee rights. He outlined the committee's visitation plans extending to the end of 2024, covering various healthcare, social care, and educational establishments.

Dr. Fawzia Al-Saleh, Head of the General Rights and Freedoms Committee, reported on her committee’s efforts in coordinating awareness programs set for the last quarter of the year, targeting employees from various official agencies. The programs aim to educate about the institution's role in protecting and promoting human rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain. She also highlighted a collaboration with the Royal Police Academy to offer a training program on the rights and duties of detainees and the role of law enforcement officials.

At the meeting’s conclusion, the council affirmed the leadership of the standing committees and their current membership through the middle of the next year. The council approved the General Secretariat's report for the second quarter of 2024 and expressed appreciation for the Secretary-General and the General Secretariat's diligent preparation of the report.