Third Regular Meeting and Second Ectraordinary Meeting
30 Apr 2013
The Council of Commissioners of the National Institute for Human Rights (NIHR) held its third regular meeting on Tuesday, April 30th, 2013, at the National Institute’s headquarters in the Seef district, under the chairpersonship of Dr. Abdulaziz Hassan Abul. The NIHR's position with regards to several human rights issues was discussed and ratified. Furthermore, the mechanisms for complaint-follow up with the entities concerned as well as those for monitoring human rights violations were approved.
During the meeting, the Council was notified of the participation of His Excellency Mr. Abdulaziz Hassan Abul, NIHR's Chairperson, Her Excellency Dr. Fawzia Saeed Al Saleh and His Excellency Mr. Abdul Jabbar al-Tayeb in the 26th national meeting of International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC), due to be held during the period from 6th to 8th May, 2013, in Geneva.
At the end of the meeting, the Council of Commissioners decided to hold its fourth regular meeting on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013.
On the same day, the second extraordinary meeting was held. It was dedicated to the discussion of the NIHR’s work strategy. Following the discussion by the Council members, the secretariat- General was assigned to prepare a finalized version of the strategy, in preparation for its endorsement during the following regular meeting.