Civil and Political Rights Committee at the National Institute for Human Rights holds its third regular meeting
12 Jul 2015
The National Institution of Human Rights (NIHR)'s Civil, Political Rights Committee held its third regular meeting chaired by Mr. Abdullah Al Derazi, and was attended by Committee's members Mr. Khalid Abdulaziz Al-Shaer and Mr. Bader Mohamed Adel.
The meeting reviewed the General Secretariat’s proposal concerning the amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure, particularly that pertaining to the resumption of pre-trial detention and its appeal, considering the amendment of the second paragraph of Article (49) and the second and fifth paragraphs of Article (158). The amendment also includes the addition of an article stipulating the identification of a fixed legal period, before which investigation with the suspect should not start, in order for his/her lawyers to be present; this was to be Article (134 bis) of the law.
The committee also reviewed the proposed law to amend some of the Bahraini Citizenship provisions 1963 referred by the External Affairs, Defense, and National Security Committee at the House of Representatives to the National Institution for its opinion on the matter. The Committee decided to hold its next meeting on Sunday, September 13th, 2015.