NIHR’s Committee on Complaints, Monitoring and Follow-up convenes its 15th Regular Meeting by Teleconference
29 Jun 2020

The monthly meeting of the National institution for Human Rights (NIHR)’s Committee on Complaints, Monitoring and Follow-up headed by Dr. Hameed Ahmed Husain on behalf of the Head of the Committee Ms. Maria Khoury, was held by teleconference. The meeting was attended by Committee Members Mrs. Rawdha Salman Alaradi and
Mr. Ammar Albannai.
The Committee opened its meeting by discussing a number of complaints received by the NIHR, the legal aids provided by it and the cases monitored via the media and social media in May and June 2020 and the actions taken thereupon, where the NIHR received 3 complaints with various contents including the right to work and the right to physical and moral integrity, provided 62 legal aids, monitored 14 cases via the media and social media and received 196 phone calls on the NIHR toll-free hotline during the said period.
The Committee discussed the new cases covered by the periodic statement on the cases related to the application of the provisions of the Law no. (18) of 2017 on Alternative Penalties and Measures, as 119 convicts sentenced to custodial penalties applied to the NIHR requesting that their penalties be replaced by other alternative penalties and measures, where 54 of them benefited from the application of the provisions of this Law so far. The Committee stated that it will communicate with the concerned authorities about the remaining convicts and to ensure their fulfillment of the conditions of the Law on Alternative Penalties and Measures.