NIHR organizes 3rd Package of “My Rights 3” Program
Within the framework “My Rights 3” Program that aims to develop awareness of constitutional and human rights for public sector employees and members of civil society organizations by providing them with knowledge in the field of participation in public affairs, the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) organized the 3rd package of the program, in partnership with the Supreme Council for Women, the Bahrain Institute for Political Development and the Institute of Judicial and Legal Studies, which lasted for five consecutive days, at the NIHR’s headquarters in Seef district.
On day one, Mr. Khalid Najah Mohamed, Legal Advisor at the Shura Council, gave a lecture on “Parliamentary Oversight to guarantee National Implementation of International Human Rights Standards”, through which he discussed a number of themes
relating to international human rights standards, the basic agreements to which the Kingdom of Bahrain has accessed and the role of the Bahraini Parliament in ensuring the implementation thereof. In the second day, Dr. Khalid Zaki, Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Interior, gave a lecture on “Parliamentary Oversight Tools”, during which he introduced the importance and tools of Parliamentary oversight. In the third day, Dr. Mayada Al-Maarej, Legal Advisor at the Shura Council, gave a lecture on “Legal Immunity”, through which she highlighted legal immunity’s concept, types, emergence and justifications and how to distinguish Parliamentary immunity from other legal immunities. In the fourth day, Prof. Rania Ahmed Al-Jarf, Director of the Gender Balance Center of the Supreme Council for Women and Prof. Amina Ahmed Al-Haddad, Head of the Legislative Branch and Civil Society Institutions at the Gender Balance Center of the Supreme Council for Women, gave an awareness lecture on “The Role of the National Model in Integrating Women’s Needs into the Governance of Equal Opportunities Applications”, through which they explained the main competencies and programs of the Supreme Council for women as well as the supporting initiatives for the integration of women’s needs.
At the end of the package, participants made a field visit to the Shura Council as an accompanying event to understand the role, mechanism of action and basic facilities of the Shura Council.