
NIHR holds Awareness Lecture at the Sudanese Club

05 Nov 2018

Dr. Bader Mohamed Adel, Head of the NIHR's Committee on Civil and Political Rights, presented an introductory lecture for the Sudanese community on the NIHR's role in the promotion and protection of human rights in Bahrain, reviewing the mechanisms and procedures for receiving complains in it.

The lecture was held at the Sudanese Club in the presence of HE Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Dr. Adel talked about the history of the establishment of the NIHR and its legal framework, as well as its competences in investigating legislation and regulations in force relating to human rights and its mechanism of cooperation with national bodies and regional and international organizations, in addition to its submission of parallel reports.

Dr. Adel stated that the problems related to human rights violations that may face migrant workers may be reduced through strengthening partnership with expatriate labor clubs in Bahrain and raising their awareness of their rights and duties.

The NIHR intends to hold a number of events in the clubs of foreign communities in Bahrain during the last quarter of this year in promotion of the established human rights principle "human rights for all".