
NIHR holds a press conference on the Unannounced Visit

10 Sep 2017

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) asserted that the reformation, rehabilitation and detention centers for women are free from any form of systematic torture or abuse against inmates regardless of the nature of their sentences.

This came during the press conference held today at the NIHR headquarters on the report of the NIHR delegation’s unannounced visits to the Women's Reformation, Rehabilitation and detention Center on 15, 16 August 2017.

NIHR President Saeed Al-Faihani said although the Kingdom of Bahrain is not acceded to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, Bahrain, in consultation with the Chairman of Torture Committee of the Optional Protocol, has established the Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission (PDRC), which is one of the mechanisms of the Optional Protocol.

He added an NIHR delegation has paid an unannounced visit to the centers in coordination with the Interior Ministry. He said it is the first of its kind visit where a number of NIHR commissioners participated in it.

He said the visit was conducted based in response to a number of complaints and allegations of ill-treatment and cries for assistance from inmates’ parents, in addition to what have been circulated on the social networking regarding the existence of ill-treatment cases.

He said the NIHR report did not observe any ill-treatment cases of female prisoners, stressing the NIHR keenness to further investigate the aforementioned complaints during its announced and unannounced visits.