
NIHR is Partner in UN Global Compact Initiative

21 Apr 2018

Dr. Khalifa bin Ali Al-Fadel, Secretary-General of the National Institution for Human Rights, said that the NIHR Secretariat-General was listed as a partner in the UN Global Compact initiative, being the first non-profit organization in the Kingdom of Bahrain to have its membership accepted in the initiative, as a result of its commitment to the 10 principles of the Global Compact that are based on the respect for human rights, the environment, workers’ rights and combating corruption.

Dr. Al-Fadel affirmed that the NIHR’s commitment to these principles is reflected in the Secretariat-General’s implementation of a green policy based upon energy conservation and recycling, leading to a decrease in depending on paper by 83% since May 2017.

Dr. Al-Fadel also stressed that the NIHR Secretariat-General pays great attention to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in its training programs and relevant periodic reports, as well as the idea of human rights and business administration that enhance the responsibility of companies in the promotion and protection of human rights.

It is worth noting that the UN Global Compact initiative was adopted by the United Nations in 2000.  It aims to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals and includes 12000 global partners from the commercial and industrial sectors and 4000 contributors from non-profit organizations.  The NIHR focused on this initiative on the sidelines of the Human Rights and Business Administration Forum organized by the NIHR Secretariat-General last February.