
NIHR’s Chairperson Meets Head of the National Bureau of Human Rights in the State of Kuwait

23 Oct 2021

Eng. Ali Ahmed Al-Derazi, Chairperson of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), met with HH Ambassador Jassem Al-Mubarak, Head of the National Bureau of Human Rights (NBHR) in the State of Kuwait, through the videoconferencing technology.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed issues of common interest and ways to enhance cooperation in the area of human rights between the NIHR and the NBHR, especially in the areas of training, education and exchange of expertise, in order to support efforts to achieve common goals of the protection and promotion of a culture of human rights.

For his part, Al-Mubarak congratulated Al-Derazi on his election as Head of the NIHR Council of Commissioners, wishing him and the members of the Board success in their duties.