
NIHR receives a Delegation from the US Congress

05 Apr 2018

Ms. Maria Khouri, Chairperson of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), received a delegation from the US Congress at the NIHR’s headquarters. During the meeting she reviewed the NIHR’s terms of reference through which the NIHR seeks to promote and protect human rights, as well as mechanisms of receiving complaints and how to deal therewith as a national mechanism.

Ms. Khouri also reviewed the human rights record of Bahrain and the progress made in this area, as well as the freedom available to all, and the close cooperation with all concerned bodies and institutions, noting the NIHR’s continued efforts to deepen the relationship with civil society organizations in order to promote and protect human rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

In response to a question from a member of the delegation about how the NIHR deals with the related issues raised through the social media, Ms. Khouri said that the NIHR deals with such issues from its human rights responsibilities and through its competencies stipulated by its Incorporation Law, stressing the attention to all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.