
Statement from NIHR on the Ratification and Issuance of Law No. (6) of 2024

07 Jun 2024

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) welcomes the ratification and issuance of Law No. (6) for the year 2024, which amends certain provisions of the Rehabilitation and Reform Institutions Law, initially established by Law No. (18) of 2014. This legislative action, approved by both the Shura Council and the House of Representatives, signifies a considerable progression in enhancing human rights within the rehabilitation and reform centers across the Kingdom of Bahrain.

In his commentary on this, Eng. Ali Ahmed Alderazi, Chairperson of NIHR, noted that the amendments in the new paragraph help enhance the rights of inmates, particularly by allowing broader categories of visitors. These changes are also set to improve the healthcare services provided within these facilities. He emphasized that this step moves toward greater fairness and justice for inmates and demonstrates a strong commitment to their fundamental rights, including the right to receive visits from various groups and access to more efficient healthcare.

Alderazi reaffirmed NIHR’s dedication to monitoring the implementation of these amendments on the ground, and he expressed enthusiasm for ongoing, effective collaboration among all relevant parties to uphold the highest standards of human rights and dignity for every individual.